Liquid Cereal, Soda Pop Style...

My all-time favorite snack isn't chips, popcorn or ho-hos. Though I enjoy crackers and cheese, I live for sugary cereal right out of the box (consumed in front of the television, sans milk). For the most part, it doesn't much matter what kind it is: Fruit Loops, Corn Pops, Count Chocula... and the king of cereal snacking - Cookie Crisp. Now, there's a new soda hitting the US market that combines my two biggest loves - cereal and soda pop. Oh god, could life get any better?
Created by the fine folks at Brain Twist, there are 4 flavors: Apple & Cinnamon, Fruit, Peanut Butter, and Chocolate. Obviously, the first two flavors are take-offs of Apple Jacks and Fruit Loops respectively. The Peanut Butter, I wouldn't hazard a guess... but according to the ingredients, the last two flavors pack the biggest fatty punch - 170 calories per can (versus the Apple and Fruit versions with 160 calories). My wife says that's not a terrible amount, but only if that's all you have. What - I can't sample all four versions in one sitting? Where's the adventure in limiting the consumption to just a single can.
I can't personally comment on what it tastes like, since as a canuck, we're not likely to find it around here (sigh). But according to the BevNet, "the consistency of the product literally feels like finely ground cereal that is smooth, not mushy. Put all this together and you have something that, although lightly sweet in comparison, is definitely remniscent of a children's breakfast cereal."
Sounds like an absolute winner to me.
Have a Happy New Year, and we'll see you in the pages of our print editions.
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