School's out, but Class with Mr. Matthews is in...
These are the kind of days when I love my job. Tomorrow could be different, but for one day - at least - I'll revel in my chosen profession. Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to be the guest speaker for a "Writer's Craft" summer school class at Rosseau Lake College. The class wasn't large by any means (only three students, as it turns out)... but it made for an easy discussion group and an informal visit.
I've been in the journalism/publishing profession for nearly 10 years. When I was in high school I took an English Writing course and it changed the path I was on and helped me turn in the direction I ended up taking. So when the chance came up to give a little bit back to some kids - most of which don't really know what they want to do after high school - I volunteered to speak.
And as much as I hate public speaking of any kind, I did it willingly and gladly.
My first question to these three - Brent, Ceilidh, and Stephanie - was why they chose to take writer's craft. One wants to work in economics and wants to excel in the writing aspect of that field. One isn't really sure what she wants to do... and the other one, well, he needed an english credit. Certainly all very valid reasons for trying their hands at writing. In fact, some of the best writers nowadays never intended on being employed by the written word.
I talked for a while about how I got into publishing right out of college. I went from my work-term at a local publishing house directly to my first publication "Freeze Frame" only a couple of weeks after I finished there. It was a crash course in layout, design, magazine publishing, and small business. I folded Freeze Frame (twice), started and ended 'Internet This Minute' and 'The Wrestling Ringsider' in short order. Then I took on the Canadian Klaxon and started Soda Pop Dreams Magazine - both of which I'm still doing, nearly 9 years later. These days I seem to be working on two or three publications at any one time; and I love all of it.
When we finally got to the topic of the editorials they're working on for the class, they were all as current and varied as you could imagine. Brent was writing about the NHL Lockout - certainly a timely issue that has effected millions of fans and is still being felt across North America where economics are concerned.
Stephanie was working on the issue of how the Harry Potter books have influenced more people to read... specifically children. So true - and to relate that further to economics, business, and the hobby that is near and dear to my heart, I also pointed out that Harry Potter is big business whether it be the movies, the franchise, or the publishing industry. Case in point: Coca-Cola's working agreement with Harry Potter and the last movies. As one story goes, Coke bused out employees from their head office to spend a day in area schools reading to school kids. Public service, yes... but positive PR - for sure.
Ceilidh was the passionate one in the group. She's been writing and researching about human embryonic stem cell research. Way over my head, but when she talks about the research it's easy to see why she should pursue a career in writing - in one form or another. Not exactly the typical teenage topic, but definitely one that has monumental purpose in life, whether you agree with her arguments or not.
We chatted about how I got started collecting soda pop memorabilia (my office is filled with it), how to go about submitting feature stories to editors, and even how to formulate the right kind of argument in an opinion piece.
In the end, I hope Brent, Ceilidh and Stephanie got something out of the hour. I know I did. Will I toss my own passions aside and pursue a teaching career? Not a chance.
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